Archive for Katy Perry

Fools For Rowan: Average Band, Awesome Singer

Posted in Things I Does with tags , , , on February 1, 2010 by loxlee

Fools For Rowan play some ok-ish alt rock, which really isn’t my thing but i’m sure Nickelback fans the world over will love it.

However they really do need to be talked about because of how flippin awesome the singer, Erin Mullins, is. Now that Katy Perry is ruined I need another female singer to fall in love with, otherwise all my attention Will go to Hayley Williams and I will probably get arrested or something.

So Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Erin Mullins!

fools for rowan bannerfools for rowan - Erin woodsfools for rowan - Erin sunglassesfools for rowan - Erin starefools for rowan - Erin smirkfools for rowan - Erin sexyfools for rowan - Erin fringefools for rowan - Erin and bandfools for rowan - Erin

Oh yeah and if you do actually want to hear them you can watch the latest video below. Don’t worry it’s mostly video of Erin…

I Don’t Know What To Think About This

Posted in Things I Does with tags , , on January 20, 2010 by loxlee

Has Katy Perry finally made the full transformation from a fit as fuck, funny and girl kissing singer to a Russell Brand marrying, 3OH!3 appearing fool?

Or should I just ignore all the above facts and appreciate the video because she is dancing all wet in a fountain?

Have A Katy Perry Xmas Picture

Posted in Things I Does with tags , , , on December 10, 2009 by loxlee

I would like Katy Perry naked except for a Santa hat and some fairy lights for Xmas please.


Russell Brand Porking Katy Perry?

Posted in Things I Does with tags , , , , on October 8, 2009 by loxlee

Please somebody tell me this isn’t true? She will forever be tainted if !”£$!”£$%”£$^&£$&*&*%%&^*(*)*^%^* [edited…]


Katy Perry pic dump? I think so!

katy perry with 2 girls

Katy Perry Pink Top

katy perry pink guitarkaty perry licking a lollipop

katy perry hot and cold single cover watermelon

katy perry hot and cold banana

katy perry heart lingerie

katy perry cleavage

She seems to like posing with fruit, is she secretly advertising for the 5 fruit and veg a day scheme?

Top Five Covers

Posted in Reviews with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 21, 2009 by loxlee

After listening to the Atreyu cover of Bon Jovi earlier I have just been listening to cover versions all day, I remember back when you could find a punk version of anything (usually by Me First And The Gimme Gimmes). They all followed the exact same format and were generally a bit crap after the comedy of the first listen wore off. Now everything seems to be hardcore covers, but then again everything seems to be ‘hardcore’ nowadays.

Anyway have my top 5 cover versions, in no particular order.

First up A Static Lullaby doing Toxic by Britney Spears. This is just brilliant because they actually made a music video for it!

Goldfingers cover of 99 Red Ballons is probably the most well known punk cover, I swear I used to think this was the original!

Now for something a bit different have the most savage band in the world covering (very accurately) the most savage electronic artist in the world

How about a rap cover? This is cool because the band went out of there comfort zone and did it in the original style. Hot Rod Circuit covering Gin and Juice.

And finally just because I love the original so much and because Attack Attack! sound exactly like Enter Shikari, have some I Kissed A Girl originally by the lovely Katy Perry.

Hmm five is not enough have some more as well!

Dillinger Escape Plan did a cover of NIN’s wish and then they played it onstage with them in Perth which looked awesome! so have that video

Have them doing Hot For Teacher as well

Have another rap cover as well, this time Notorious Thugs followed by Men In Black

I have loads more I want to do but i think i’ll give you all a rest now! 🙂

I Love Shit Films

Posted in Things I Does with tags , , , on August 12, 2009 by loxlee

I just watched Epic Movie

epic movie

Even I struggled to find anything good about it

But to counteract the bad have some AWESOME

Hayley Williams Guitar

hayley williams


Hayley Williams is proper fit. Almost as nice as Katy Perry