Archive for DEP

The Digital Economy Bill And Ben Weinman On The Music Industry

Posted in Things I Does with tags , , , , , on March 24, 2010 by loxlee

As you probably know I’ve been going on about Piracy and the MASSIVELY ridiculous extreme web laws that Peter Mandelson has been trying to sneak through for a while. I have been following the story quite closely and asking people to join the fight against it, well now it would seem they are pushing harder to get the dodgy bill through, even though as well as the major ISP’s being against it, pretty much everyone in the world is against it except the record companies, who have Mandelson in their scummy pockets.

So please please please go to this site which will allow you to send an e-mail to your local MP asking him to oppose the bill. It is all automated and the e-mail is written for you (you can change it however you want though) it will take no more than 2 minutes and it does get a reaction as I have been contacted twice by my local MP about it (not automated replies either…)

The record companies do not have a clue about how to survive in this new digital age and instead of trying to adapt they are making Governments, who don’t understand the internet either, create new laws that do not make any sense and will inevitably lead to prosecutions for the innocent record buying public and they won’t actually help the music industry or stop piracy at all.

Not everyone is being so ridiculous about piracy and what the music industry is doing, I read this interview earlier on with Ben Weinman from The Dillinger Escape Plan, about how technology has helped him and how record sales are not that important any more. It shows there is a way to do what you love for a living, it takes hard work and passion though.

So how does a band so deliberately challenging stay alive when even conventional-sounding acts are being dropped from labels because they don’t sell enough records?

“We’ve never relied on record sales. We just sold shirts and played shows. And it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to us. So this music industry recession hasn’t affected us very much. Granted, if things were different we would probably have got big money offers when we were out of our contract with Relapse. But we were able to survive without that because of the way that we’ve learned to do things.”

The internet and technology has been a big help then?

“I’d probably be homeless right now if it wasn’t for technology. I wouldn’t trade it for the way it was before. I’m not making a living off record sales and I never have. So in one respect it’s things like [Spotify and file-sharing] that have really helped a band like us survive. If I had some sort of flea market that sold socks, and drew some smiley face on them, I’d probably make more money than I make from selling records and that’s kinda fucked up, there’s no doubt about it.

“So really we have to look at it like, ‘Okay, is the music itself the product?’ And that’s how we’ve always looked at it. It’s just made us work harder: We’ve worked to interact with our fans and provide them with interesting things like limited edition t-shirts that come from us and that we package ourselves, and that’s what we’ve survived on. So people hearing us and becoming fans of our band has only helped us, whether we’ve been paid for it or not.

The Option Paralysis Boxset

Posted in Reviews with tags , , , on March 18, 2010 by loxlee

I just received a lovely little package from the postman and inside was a rather awesome boxset from The Dillinger Escape Plan of their new album Option Paralysis (you know that thing I’ve been talking about for a while…).

This has to be one of the best box sets I think I’ve ever received and take a look at why that is…

The full contents include:

  • The Option Paralysis album on CD with the other side being an awesome bonus song (Head Deaf) on Vinyl! Thats right a CD that doubles as a record! Awesome!
  • CD notes with lyrics
  • Special Edition Photo Book
  • Flag
  • Beanie
  • TV-B-Gone (Turns off any TV, I presume just to annoy people…)
  • Luggage Tag
  • Buttons

The only bad thing is I have such an old record player that it doesn’t want to play the vinyl part because the CD/Vinyl is too small. The CD is the size of the inside of a record so my player wont go that far in as it thinks it’s already reached the end of an album and resets itself. Massive bummer! Anyone have a better record player they wanna give me?!

You can buy your own right here

Album Of The Day: The Dillinger Escape Plan – Option Paralysis

Posted in Album Of The Day, Reviews with tags , , , , on March 17, 2010 by loxlee

The Dillinger Escape Plan - Option Paralysis AOTD

Well as you saw yesterday when I said about it, the new DEP album Option Paralysis is available early on Spotify and that means I can also make it my Album Of The Day!

I have genuinely not been this amazed by a new album after just the first listen in a long, long time and now after a good days worth of listening it is just getting better and better. Every Dillinger Escape Plan album is so different from the last one that you never really know what to expect which really does seem to annoy the ‘I prefer their old stuff’ brigade but for everyone else that isn’t a complete dick this means you are always amazed.

This album has the closest thing DEP have ever done to a ballad in ‘Widower’ which starts with a piano and vocal part that most boy bands would kill to be able to write yet still manages to turn into a crazy bastard of a song with heavy/soft changes that really keep you on your toes.

The first single from the album ‘Farewell, Mona Lisa” starts of as a heavy hitter that morphs into a ‘Milk Lizard’ style sing along half way through and will definitely become a big song at the shows.

‘Gold Teeth On A Bum’, ‘Chinese Whispers’ and ‘Parasitic Twins’ all introduce new styles into the DEP armoury and I’m sure Faith No More comparisons will be rife when people explain some of the new directions they have gone in. Greg especially has been learning a lot of new tricks from Mike Patton and when someone learns from Mike Patton nothing bad can come from it.

Best song on the album is tough but for now I’m going to go with ‘Gold Teeth On A Bum’ for the old skool metal soloing, huge riffs and amazing singing. Even when Dillinger try to do a ‘classic’ rock song they still end up with something completely mental.

The full album can be found here on Spotify and don’t forget to buy the album when it comes out on Monday!


Ah fudge it! I’m gonna give you two songs today because I just can’t choose the best track off the album. So have the Piano driven ballad “Widower” as well…

DEP Fans Listen Up – Option Paralysis Is On Spotify Early

Posted in Things I Does with tags , , , on March 16, 2010 by loxlee

DEP Live

I woke up today with the news that the new Dillinger Escape Plan album Option Paralysis was being stream early, in it’s entirety, on their Myspace. I was very happy about this as I can’t wait to get my hands on the new album out next Monday (22/3/10).

Then I found out that not only is it on Myspace but it’s been put up on Spotify already as well! So needless to say I have been listening to it constantly all day and I seriously can’t get over how good it is. Piano driven ballads, Faith No More stylings, metal solos and lots of singing make it a very different album from old stuff but I would imagine that’s what most people come to expect from The Dillinger Escape Plan now.

I’m pretty sure you can expect this as my AOTD tomorrow.

If you can’t wait till then though you can listen to it on Spotify right here. I recommend ‘Gold Teeth On A Bum’, ‘Widower’ and ‘Parasitic Twins’.

The Dillinger Escape Plan – Farewell, Mona Lisa Music Video

Posted in Things I Does with tags , , on March 2, 2010 by loxlee


Last night The Dillinger Escape Plan aired their video premiere on a live webcam chat, which was to be honest bloody hilarious, the video came out in the worst quality I have ever seen and the chat was going so fast the band was struggling to make sense of any questions. To make things even better because it was the internet and webcams were involved there was a lot of show me your tits and/or dick type jokes. They even tried to play a live song over the computer mic and camera which resulted in them breaking the stream, It was pretty much the best thing I watched in a while.

Best two things that came out of it though was they pretty much just came out and said they will be playing Download this year, which is fucking awesome, and that they like Strongbow. So screw you people who think Strongbow is a tramps drink!

Anyways the video is now up on Youtube so you can all watch it. I really cannot wait for this album now!

Top 5 Greatest Dillinger Escape Plan Live Videos

Posted in Things I Does with tags , , , on December 22, 2009 by loxlee

Just because they are the greatest live band you will ever see and I’m psyched that the new single, Farewell, Mona Lisa, is out soon, I thought I would show you the best 5 videos of them playing live that you can find. The quality may not be great but you can still make out just how insane they are!

So in no particular order…

Live at Hellfest in 2003 – Somebody was probably hurt when he jumps in with his guitar!

Live at a Virgin Megastore instore gig – Crowd running at its finest.

Live on Conan O’Brien playing Black Bubblegum to a stunned crowd.

Playing With NIN in Perth this year. Stunning.

And finally burning everything at Furnace Fest in 2002