Fools For Rowan: Average Band, Awesome Singer

Fools For Rowan play some ok-ish alt rock, which really isn’t my thing but i’m sure Nickelback fans the world over will love it.

However they really do need to be talked about because of how flippin awesome the singer, Erin Mullins, is. Now that Katy Perry is ruined I need another female singer to fall in love with, otherwise all my attention Will go to Hayley Williams and I will probably get arrested or something.

So Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Erin Mullins!

fools for rowan bannerfools for rowan - Erin woodsfools for rowan - Erin sunglassesfools for rowan - Erin starefools for rowan - Erin smirkfools for rowan - Erin sexyfools for rowan - Erin fringefools for rowan - Erin and bandfools for rowan - Erin

Oh yeah and if you do actually want to hear them you can watch the latest video below. Don’t worry it’s mostly video of Erin…

3 Responses to “Fools For Rowan: Average Band, Awesome Singer”

  1. fuck that off. listen to versaemerge if you want a talented singer (that’s hot as fuck) to fantasize over. 😉

  2. Check out and share their new video for “Dead”!!!!!!!

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