Archive for ginger

What Stew Wears – Day 64 THE RETURN OF STEW

Posted in What Stew Wears with tags , , on May 4, 2010 by loxlee

Well after the long and sad break where Stew went and found himself in the snowy mountains of Canada he is back (for a brief 6 week period anyway). Rejoice, celebrate, woo, OMG, WTF!!!1!1!!! etc etc

After several months of finding out about Essex girls reputations, killing deers with cars and general gap year tomfoolery he came back to sunny Exeter and within hours he just CHUNDERED EVERYWHERE! All the little chunklets ended up in my garden.

Obviously his trip to Canada didn’t up his drinking game much. Eh! (See what I did there? With the whole Canadians saying eh thing? Yeah? I’m well funny)

What his trip did do however is give him a whole new spanking wardrobe!! The lad has grown up and he’s finished with obsession with the brown stuff and moved onto a whole new world of colour.

Today he is all blues greys and whites.

What Stew Wears - Day 64 The Return

Also he is in a bid to become the first ginger Mr T impersonator.

So that’s the normal ‘nice’ welcome back for him, tomorrow I will try to be funnier with the update.

Hot Rod (The Film With Isla Fisher And The Lonely Island Guys)

Posted in Things I Does with tags , , , , on November 12, 2009 by loxlee

It is a bloody amazing and awesome and brilliant and fantastic and ace and amazing, no wait I said amazing already, It’s amazingtabulous.

It also has Isla Fisher in it who is one of the fittest ginger people to ever be around ever and I know you all love her because at this point in time the last post I did with her in (the Ginger Fest post) has been viewed 12,096 times! Bugger me! To celebrate have some more Isla Fisher pictures but don’t get too distracted from work….

isla_fisher white all in one bikiniIsla Fisher red bikiniisla fisher lookingisla fisher adjusting her high heelsisla fisher 1950's pin up girl

Anyways watch some clips and then go and buy the film. DO IT!


Ginger Fest

Posted in Things I Does with tags , , , , , , , , on September 9, 2009 by loxlee

I just read about the best festival ever on BBC News, a massive ginger festival with over 3,000 of the red headed folk gathering in a city called Breda in the Netherlands.  I think I know most of the ginger population of Exeter so whenever I go out its like I’m having my own gingefest anyway!

Random fact – we once did a ginger count in Cardiff because we noticed there seemed to be a lot around so we started taking count, by the end of the day we started losing count there was so many! I think we got up to about 200 odd!

Anyway its all just an excuse to put up pictures of some fit ginger people (excluding our own office hero, the What Stew Wears guy because I have enough pictures of him on my site already)

Alyson Hannigan


Isla Fisher


More Isla Fisher

isla fisher

Laura Prepon


Alicia Witt

alicia witt

lindsey marshal (who is NSFW…)

lindsey marshall

A bit of milf redhead Julianne Moore


And my firm favourite Hayley Williams

hayley williams

Is this post and saying ginger racist now? or gingist? Am I supposed to say redhead? meh